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Come, love, see my hands,
See how lonely they look
Without yours intertwined.
I tried filling the gaps with
Flowers, baubles and things,
But they couldn’t survive the
Snowstorms of my mind.

I’ve got the world on my shoulders
But your eyes are my two moons holding me steady.
My poor mortal soul couldn’t hold all of my love for you
So, I threw it out to the skies.
This way, if you ever doubt the words I say
You can look to the stars, which not only burn for you,
But burn because of you.
And I know sometimes I may feel like I’m light years away
Or seem preoccupied with the inner workings of secret galaxies
Just remember my love for you is always shining,
Shining so brightly you may never be able to imagine.
And even when daylight hides the night sky for hours
Or a wayward cloud obscures my testimonial for you,
Just know that in some part of the world,
However insignificant that part may seem,
My love is a muse for many.
Someday when I’m old, when my shoulders are quivering
From the long seized weight of the world,
I’ll be known as the man who loved so greatly
He had to create something otherworldly to contain it.
And one day, thousands of years from that someday,
I’ll run across a young man whose back is straight and unhindered.
He’ll look at me and he’ll say, “Hey man, aren’t you the guy
who crowded outer space with millions of burning balls of gas?”
And I may laugh—albeit, a bit hysterically—because, of course
This world where a fiction written of a one-time lovers’ suicide
Can live forever in the hearts of many but a story as true
and as complete as ours would be reduced to balls of gas.
I’ll tell him, in all seriousness,
“No man, it was burning balls of love.”
And he’ll walk away chuckling as if I had told him the funniest joke.
But one day, he might look into some girl’s eyes to find two moons.
And, if he's lucky, maybe he’ll feel a thousandth of what I feel for you.